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  • Date:2020-11-05

The Taoyuan Public Government’s Cultural Affairs Department is the administrative agency dedicated to planning the whole city’s cultural construction blueprint. Its main tasks are:
1. Promote cultural development and implement the spirit of community building and the rights of cultural citizens;
2. Create a high-quality performance arts environment and enhance people's pride in their culture;
3. Deepen the roots of visual arts in the community and actively promote the art of living;
4. Save important cultural assets;
5. Promote and exhibit culturally creative films, save and create the unique culture of the local community;
6. Expand exhibition and performance arts’ breadth and depth, and nurture talent in this field;
7. Build a city that loves reading, and promote cultural space for wood art ecology.

wood art ecology(deer pictures) wood art ecology(tree pictures) wood art ecology(bird pictures)

Since the current Director General Chuang Hsiu-mei took over the department on December 25, 2014, she has promoted various matters related to arts and culture, and has expressed hopes that all the staff will adopt a new way of thinking that is conducive to turning Taoyuan into a dynamic, creative and cultural city.