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  • 天氣資訊
    • 2024-07-27
    • 星期六
    • 下午 02:36
  • 災害示警


The Taoyuan Public Government’s Cultural Affairs Department is the administrative agency dedicated to planning the whole city’s cultural construction blueprint. Its main tasks are:

  1. Promote cultural development and implement the spirit of community building and the rights of cultural citizens; 
  2. Create a high-quality performance arts environment and enhance people's pride in their culture; 
  3. Deepen the roots of visual arts in the community and actively promote the art of living; 
  4. Save important cultural assets;
  5. Promote and exhibit culturally creative films, save and create the unique culture of the local community; 
  6. Expand exhibition and performance arts’ breadth and depth, and nurture talent in this field; 
  7. Build a city that loves reading, and promote cultural space for wood art ecology.

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Since the current Director General Chuang Hsiu-mei took over the department on December 25, 2014, she has promoted various matters related to arts and culture, and has expressed hopes that all the staff will adopt a new way of thinking that is conducive to turning Taoyuan into a dynamic, creative and cultural city.